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stretch 34 miles by a letter(亚瑟视角he线)

stretch 34 miles by a letter(亚瑟视角he线)

Stretch over 34 miles by a letter(Arthur .ver)甜的,he版翻译,这次又是个什么故事呢?注意细节改动,封面只改动了明暗分布‍‍
1 Rainy days again,I stand in the middle of the crowds, hearing又是雨天,我溶解在人群当中
Roses in full bloom with birds spilling their songs, over玫瑰盛放欲滴,鸟儿的歌来的随口,在树林中饱和
The quiet woods.
Clouds, turning云层千变万化
Into different sharps I can not name, a blast成了我无法命名的形态

stretch 34 miles by a letter(亚瑟视角he线)
