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Cheerilee's Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.9(20)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.9

“They trusted you! They thought you were their friend and you KILLED THEM! MURDERER!” he yelled as he continued to savagely beat down upon the mare.
The guards finally regained some semblance of control, pushing the enraged commoners back bit by bit. Twilight’s jailers finally broke free from their own opponents as well, and they pulled Rarity’s dad off of the unicorn, who was shaking on the ground. They handled the colt more gently than they perhaps needed to; they’d probably have done the same thing he did if their job wasn’t on the line.

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.9
