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Cheerilee's Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.7

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.7

转自Fim Fiction,原作者系Unahim
Cheerilee plunged forward, ramming the tip of her knife straight into Pinkie’s cheek, blood bubbling up both inside and outside of her victims mouth. Pinkie screamed in pain, and soon regretted it as she cut her own tongue on the knife, causing her to panic even more. The teacher started to move the knife downwards, intent on making a neat cut down towards Pinkie’s chin, but the struggling and screaming of the aforementioned made sure it was a messy cut at best. She tilted the blade slightly and cut under the bottom lip, grazing up against Pinkie’s teeth and badly damaging her gums in some places, as blood dripped down her face.

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.7
