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Cheerilee's Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.3

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.3

转自Fim Fiction,原作者系Unahim。
When she came to she was in a dimly lit room, lying on a table of some description. She felt a nasty bump on her head throb painfully to the rhythm of her heartbeat, but when she tried to touch it with one of her hooves, she realised her front legs were tied above her head with rope, while her hind legs were bound on the other side.
The ropes were keeping her stretched out as much as possible, and it was more than a little uncomfortable. It also felt as if the table had a large hole in it, right underneath the middle of her back, but she couldn’t for the life of her figure out why.

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.3
