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Cheerilee's Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.6(42)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
“Then do the other one,” Cheerilee said, clearly enjoying the show.
Pinkie was crying silently as well, and she was still shaking her head.
“R-right. I... I can do t-this... No problem! J... just one more... s-stupid wing... it... it doesn’t even h-hurt... at all!” Rainbow broke into a nervous giggle as she grasped the other rope. “A-all... right...”

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.6

“YAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!” she screamed again, and she pulled down with all her might, but the rope slipped between her hooves. The hooks still roughly pulled at her flesh, ripping into her as a blade sliced into the base of her wing. Dash almost fell forward off the table, but quickly found that even with just one wing trapped she was still securely locked in place.
“N-no way...” the rainbow-maned pony stammered, in-between her gasps for breath.
Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. “Again.”

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.6
