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Cheerilee's Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.1(15)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
A small hooded figure suddenly emerged on the scene, wearing black robes. His face was hidden by the hood, but anyone could deduce it was Snips based on his height and a simple process of elimination.
The new arrival casually strolled down the same path Sir Lance-a-lot was currently on, and it wasn’t long before they crossed paths in front of the mine itself.
“Halt! By order of the king I, Sc-ehem-Sir Lance-a-lot have come to put an end to Reginald the Sly. Are you he?” Scootaloo said louder than was necessary even during a play.

Cheerilee’s Garden(车厘子的花园)Part.1

“Oh no, noble knight. I am but a simple hermit, living in the mountains yonder,” the robed figure replied as he motioned towards the mountains in the distance.
Scootaloo scoffed at this and raised her chin. “A little thing such as you would indeed not have been much of a challenge. You look like you can hardly stand upright during a gentle summer breeze. Now tell me quick, simple soul, if I wish to find this Reginald, where should I go?”
“Ah, you are indeed fortunate, sir knight. The villain you seek has his lair in this very cave.” The robed pony motioned at the mine entrance with a nod of his head.