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FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)(10)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell繁花落尽 来源:百合文库
“sweetheart?” immediate concern and fear plagued his face.

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)

“Yeah, it’s fine,” it faded as quickly as it had came, “let’s go… but first, I have to pee, again.”
“Queen Toriel, how long did you know the princess was pregnant?” A blonde human reporter shouted, pens neatly holding her hair bun in place.
“Princess! Why did it take so long to address this?” A dainty white rabbit monster hopped up to try and see passed a tall lanky human cameraman. Noticing her struggle he stepped aside to let her closer to the stage.
“How will the infidelity affect your marriage? Will it affect the throne in any way?” a bipedal sphynx crossed his arms as a crocodile took notes.

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)
