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FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)(11)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell繁花落尽 来源:百合文库
Frisk stood beside their father, his massive hand gently patting their shoulder. Asgore stood tall and proud, he was a kind man despite his outward appearance and past interactions. Sure, sometimes he had trouble showing it, he was very busy after all. It was with small gestures and actions he showed affection.
Frisk could hear her mother talking but not what she was saying, everything a hum and a blur. So many humans and monsters, so many news crews, maybe a doctor or two. They scanned the crowd for familiar faces. Papyrus, Undyne and the Snowdin Canine Unit worked to push the encroaching reporters back from the stage.

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)

The lithe deep copper form of Chienna stuck out from the crowd, only because she was waving ecstatically in an attempt to get frisk’s attention, on her shoulders the small daughter of Doctor Pierce, Cassie. Frisk managed a shy wave, the acknowledgment sent the dog monster into overdrive, tail wagging excitedly. She was joined by the doctor who simply nodded and smiled when he saw Frisk watching.
Frisk glanced at Sans who stood beside them, he looked stiff and uncomfortable. Reporters didn’t seem too interested in what he had to say. Any questions lobbed at him were of divorce and heartache. Frisk laced their fingers through his, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.