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FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(2)(5)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell繁花落尽 来源:百合文库
The following day was filled with phonecalls.
Many clinics outright refused, the reactions varied between skeptical of how serious Frisk was to outright refusal to even speak to them further. It was heartbreaking, their emotions and hormones got the better of them once or twice. Violently swapping between rage and sadness.
The mood swings were often so fast it terrified Sans. Frisk had shouted at him once or twice for seemingly no reason. He quickly found out Frisk could be pacified with a glass of milk or a bowl of cereal. Which was odd, Frisk wasn’t particularly ‘obsessed’ with either food before.

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(2)

After many hours, Frisk had finally found a clinic that agreed to see them in the night immediately. The call was filled with giggles and a strange excitement, Sans asked about it but was met with secrecy. He would have to see when they got there.
Night sky sparsely dotted with stars and a cold spring wind in the air. It was a nice night. The pair decided to walk to their secret meeting. Well, Sans objected in concern for Frisk’s ‘condition’ but was reassured that a walk was not going to break them. Fingers laced together, Frisk back in the large coat they had worn so much before coming to the surface. It was peaceful. Streets were mostly empty, they saw the odd car here and there and a human cyclist who gave Sans a double take, obviously still adjusting to seeing monsters walking around. Sans flashed them a toothy grin, partly to be an ass and scare them. This resulted in a playful elbow to the ribs.