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FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(2)(4)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell繁花落尽 来源:百合文库

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(2)

The subject of going to see Alphys was brought up.
“no.” His voice was stern with a hint of fear, “she would experiment on you,” the fear now more prevalent, “i don’t know what i’d do if…” the connotation of his words hung thick in the air.
He laid beside Frisk, who had snuggled themself back into bed. Sans hand gently caressed their baby bump. The gentle motion did seem to assist with Frisk’s sickness.
Frisk and Sans agreed to keep the pregnancy a secret for as long as they could. At the very least until they had found more details; how far along Frisk was for certain and what exactly they were dealing with. The uncomfortable question of what the baby looked like weighed deeply on their minds. The more important question of if the child was currently healthy had to be top concern. Frisk needed to see a doctor, a doctor that would agree to see them after hours.

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(2)
