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Chapter Eight(6)

2023-11-30连载高中小说高一英文小说 来源:百合文库
They couldn’t have been trying to kidnap someone like Alice did, since the amusement park must have been filled with people, or at least not deserted. Then why exactly they were going?
Immersed in thought, she didn’t notice that Lydia and Alberto had returned before one of them tapped her lightly on the shoulder. She looked up, and saw Lydia standing over her, holding two backpacks, one black and one dark blue. The dark blue one looked more weathered than the black one, its angles softer than the other’s. Lydia handed Cecy the blue one as Cecy got up.

Chapter Eight

‘I have a spare backpack here. Won’t you like to put your daggers in there? No, I’m just kidding,’ she said hastily as Cecy moved to unzip the bag she was given, ‘Seriously. You’ll cut the bag open if you place them in just like that. This backpack is just somewhere you can place the items you buy on that world, ok?’ She thrust the daggers Cecy had loosened on her belt back down.
‘And here,’ Lydia hesitated and then pulled a rope-like object from the black pack. ‘I do think you need to get the screaming belt down. It was meant to be a first protection for you, since you didn’t know how to protect yourself at first. But now it’s just a tripping stone. It will give away our position if we are hiding somewhere accidentally.’ 