续写 英汉双版本 爱丽丝·门罗《荨麻》 Alice Munro "Nettles"(4)
2023-12-01 来源:百合文库
I can't help shaking. The memory of many years ago is awakened at this time, and is there such a coincidence in this world? The man went on: "I almost forgot, here’s my daughter, Alice. This name was especially given to her by my father. He has been dead for years. He’s name is Mike. Your expression looks as if you know him and my family, are you ok, Mammy? "
I murmured, "In no sense, no, Amen."
Many years later, facing Mike's descendants, I remembered that distant afternoon when we played war games. At that time, the world was still at the beginning of new life. Many things had no names and needed to be pointed out with fingers.
“Istenem, a hatalmad végtelen!”
迈克和我的奇妙重逢教会了我许多。人们总是说,成长就像自由一样,是一项与生俱来的权利。但这同样也是一种义务,就像那些自由放任者将自由变成不负责任的混乱一样,对于那些不知道如何从过去吸取教训的人来说,“什么也没学,什么也没忘。 ”,他们在成长中虚度光阴,丝毫没有变得成熟。那些独立生活中的风波总能让我想起那天落在高尔夫球场上的阵雨,一个接一个,每一个都出乎意料。每一次都浇得我浑身湿透。然而,并不总是有灌木丛可以躲避,也不总有像迈克这样的人在猛烈的风浪中陪伴我。在审视了不负责任的滥情和冷酷无情之后,我选择变得坚强,既不能让仅仅为了情感上的愉悦就让爱在这些风暴中被风雨击打,但也必须妥善保护它,使之不会在一片混乱之中被抛弃。弱者只能在风雨中落得一身湿,而强者从中获得勇气,智者从中获得教训,后两种选择意味着同一件事:
I murmured, "In no sense, no, Amen."
Many years later, facing Mike's descendants, I remembered that distant afternoon when we played war games. At that time, the world was still at the beginning of new life. Many things had no names and needed to be pointed out with fingers.
“Istenem, a hatalmad végtelen!”
迈克和我的奇妙重逢教会了我许多。人们总是说,成长就像自由一样,是一项与生俱来的权利。但这同样也是一种义务,就像那些自由放任者将自由变成不负责任的混乱一样,对于那些不知道如何从过去吸取教训的人来说,“什么也没学,什么也没忘。 ”,他们在成长中虚度光阴,丝毫没有变得成熟。那些独立生活中的风波总能让我想起那天落在高尔夫球场上的阵雨,一个接一个,每一个都出乎意料。每一次都浇得我浑身湿透。然而,并不总是有灌木丛可以躲避,也不总有像迈克这样的人在猛烈的风浪中陪伴我。在审视了不负责任的滥情和冷酷无情之后,我选择变得坚强,既不能让仅仅为了情感上的愉悦就让爱在这些风暴中被风雨击打,但也必须妥善保护它,使之不会在一片混乱之中被抛弃。弱者只能在风雨中落得一身湿,而强者从中获得勇气,智者从中获得教训,后两种选择意味着同一件事: