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【Retell Mango Street】01 The House on Mango Street(2)

2023-11-30英语文学外国文学 来源:百合文库
her parents told she that one day, they will into a nice house in which they would have running water, good pipes, TV and at least three washingroom. their house would be white and surrounded by trees. and a big yard too. 
but how the house looks like in fact ?
it's small. steps are tight. windows are so small. no front yard and only one washroom. But the worst thing is they have to share a bedroom. six in one bedroom! can you image!
she remember that one day she lived on Loomis, one person asked her where she live. she pointed up to her house which is in the third floor. where wall is peeling and wooden bar nailed on the windows is to stop themselves fall out. 

【Retell Mango Street】01 The House on Mango Street

"you live there!" says the people.
she nodded.
the way people said it made she felt low.
she knew she had to own a house since then. a real house. Loomis's house is not the one, neither is Mango Street's. it's a great dream deep inside her heart.
