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【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文(7)

The stag didn’t care about any of that. It only knew him as the man who was feeding it, and it was enough. George wanted it to be enough.
“There you go,” George whispered to the stag as it finished the last of the berries from his palm. “You’ll be alright now.”
The stag watched as George steadily got back on his feet, its tongue flicking the remaining pulp from its lips.
“Well,” said George, rolling his shoulders until he heard the satisfying pop of his body catching up to him. “Enjoy my gift, then. This is where we part. I still have to find out what year it is, this time from someone with less fur and a more sophisticated vocabulary.” He gave the deer a little wave. “Bye-bye.”

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文

The stag stared.
“Oh, come on.” George rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me that look.”
In return, the stag bumped the edge of its antler against George’s hip, almost sending him crashing back to the ground. He was more unsteady than he expected to be. He struggled to regain his balance, and decided he couldn’t be seen in the world like this: clumsy and shaking, like a newborn fawn.
The world would eat him alive.