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Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks(5)

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
Not until today did I truly know that I can cast a figurative Patronum. Peverell is one of most mysterious Houses and therefore their ability and power can be unmeasurable. There could be no question that he might strike up against us, I want us to be fully prepared for that…
As for the menial joke from Mrs. Bagshot, for god’s sake, forget it… That’ was not my NICKNAME. Funny? I could still remember your whimpering eyes when I came to life in the soft arms of Mrs. Bagshot. 

Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks

How many times on earth did she call me “woolen socks” while I passed out? Is that hilarious enough for you to burst into tears?
Yours Grindelwool
你听说过佩维尔家族吗?他们的名字出现在《黑魔法的历史研究》上,我现在更加确信,他们不仅是一群以制作儿童玩具为生的木匠,也是发明了最美妙的防御性武器的黑魔法大师。就在我写这封信的那一刻,我差点就被巫师佩弗利尔杀死了! 但多亏了盖勒特--那是格林德沃,可能你还不知道他--他,不知何故能守护神咒。因此,阿伯福斯和我终于安然无恙地回到了家,与我们可怜的小妹妹会合,她害怕自己被永远地抛弃,而且歇斯底里。哦,阿丽亚娜...

Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks
