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Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks(4)

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库

Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks

I’ve no doubt that you’ d have brought a Phoenix out eventually, if the dungeon was big enough…Albus. But what your professors had taught you seemed to have come from a second hand.
What I’m going to reveal may appear a bit of shock, but as demonstrated in “The Origin of dark arts and its hybrid variant”, Patronum dating back to 1690s was actually also one of the so-called dark arts, which was invented by a powerful dark witch who tried to protect her children from being burned up by a swarm of muggle-residents. Its astonishing strong power to protect equals almost to “Avada Kedavra” to kill. When it comes to a comparison of powerfulness, you and I both don’t have to neglect that, dark arts is the true lord of magic. 

Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks
