2023-11-28 来源:百合文库
“空有风花候雪月。心里一直向往着能亲眼目睹北方的冬雪,不是浩莽天地的那种豪迈,是飘飘洒洒轻轻柔柔地缓缓飘落。因为一次偶然的邂逅,我多次梦见一双有力的手紧紧地握着我纤细的小手,一起安静地坐在屋檐下,看雪如群群美丽的丹顶鹤般盘旋翩然而下,搁到飞檐上,降在庭院里,点上花叶,落在我们张开的手心......世界,仿佛停止了思索,大地仿佛停止了喧哗,闭上眼睛,听到雪在彼此心中最深处温柔地吟唱......There is wind and flowers waiting for snow and moon. The heart has been yearning to witness the winter snow in the north, not the kind of heroic vast heaven and earth, is fluttering gently gently gently falling. Because of a chance meeting, I dreamed many times a pair of powerful hands tightly holding my slender little hands, quietly sitting under the eaves together, see the snow as a flock of beautiful red-crowned cranes hovering down, put on the cornice, fall in the courtyard, point on the flower leaves, fall in our open palm...... The world, as if to stop thinking, the earth as if to stop noise, close your eyes, hear the snow in the deepest hearts of each other gently singing......”