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Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell(12)

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
Dear Grindelwald, 
truly sorry for the decision of my father, but I shall not withdraw what I once confided to you. I hope you can find a fairer place and a more enlightened tutor to work through your experiment. Attached you will find “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman. Maybe a glimpse of the muggle literature helps you embrace diversity. 

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell

All the best
Hans Hannewald
By end of reading, Aberforth lowered his voice to a subtle regret. A private letter, disclosed a different truth about Gellert’s exclusion from school. Hans Hannewald was not a strange name for pupils in Durmstrang– He’s the son of Mr. Headmaster. He and Grindelwald were both involved in a campaign for Student President, until shortly before suffrage Mr. Hannewald had found out, that over half of pupils had taken on cloaks bearing a mark of Grindelwald. Then one day at the dead of night when Gellert was doing experiments and talking with Hans about Muggle civilizations as usual, he was arrested and charged with intentional assault with dark arts, but the victims in that event had never come on stage to tell their story– All these would be confided to Albus weeks later, when they were really close.