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Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell(11)

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
“Any more clues?” Albus asked. 
“Wish I could remember… Perhaps fix your eyes on the ones which are thicker than 10 inches and smells like rancid pork.”
“Might be useful…” Albus grew a bit of doubt, he didn’t know if he could trust this man, Gellert had not told the whole truth.
“I hate to mention it, but Douglas had once left his ‘natural mark’ on the book.” Gellert confirmed reluctantly.

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell

“Great, so we are looking for animal urine then.” Albus was one more time felt fooled.
“Well, good news accompanies a bad one, at least Douglas would be our last strength to track down the book.” Gellert could not bear embarrassing himself in front of Albus. “That’s why I brought it here…”
Aberforth didn’t hear they discussing, because he was attracted by something else. “Hey, look I’ve found. One correspondence from an admirer, to Gellert Grindelwald!”–

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell
