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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章(9)

Tommy leaned over to catch a glimpse at what Wilbur was writing. His brother’s familiar looping script had already covered most of the page with words like intentions and fortifications and conscription.
“Conscription?” Tommy repeated around a mouthful of apple. “What does that mean?”
“Swallow before speaking,” Wilbur said mildly.
“Swallow before speaking,” Tommy mocked. “You sound like our old governess. So grouchy—ack!”
He’d inhaled too quickly; unchewed apple slid suddenly down his throat and lodged there. Tommy gasped for air, reaching blindly for something to drink. Wilbur hastily placed his teacup into Tommy’s hand, and he drank it down with gusto until his airways were clear once more. When he looked at his brother through a blur of tears, Wilbur was desperately pursing his lips in a valiant fight to keep his laughter down.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章

“You’re an… ass,” Tommy wheezed. “And your tea is garbage.”
Wilbur swiped a thumb across his own mouth to wipe his smile away. “Techno made that tea.”
“Oh.” Tommy looked down at the tiny teacup with curiosity; he could not imagine his hardened tutor patiently brewing tea for anyone, even Wilbur. “It’s alright, then.”