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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章(40)

“So what happens now?” Tommy whispered into the dark.
“I don’t know,” Wilbur confessed. “But what I do know is that there should be no more secrets between brothers. Agreed?”
“Agreed.” Tommy smiled. “No more secrets.”
Wilbur looked as if he wanted to say something else, but Tommy would never have the chance to find out what, because at that same moment, Techno burst through the door, his expression like hellfire.
Wilbur was on his feet in an instant, reaching for a crumpled note Techno was holding out to him. Tommy watched his brother’s face drain of all color as his eyes scanned through the message.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章

“What?” Tommy demanded, his heartbeat ringing in his ears. “What does it say?”
When Wilbur looked back at him, his eyes were bleak and haunted. “You wanted to know what conscriptions were for, Tommy? Well, you’re about to find out.”
