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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章(35)

“Well.” Tommy slid to the floor as his legs gave out. “That’s that, then.”
“Techno and I are trying to make contact with the foreign army’s generals,” Wilbur said, and Tommy noticed for the first time how many silver hairs Wilbur had acquired, almost glowing in the moonlight streaming from the windows. “We’re doing everything we can to stop it from happening, Tommy. But, yes. That’s it. Those are my biggest secrets. The rest are inconsequential.” He took a deep breath, as if to steady himself. “I think it’s your turn, Tommy.”

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章

Tommy laughed bitterly. “After that reveal, anything I say will just sound stupid.”
“It won’t,” Wilbur said resolutely. He leaned back on the settee, giving Tommy a gentle look. “Whenever you’re ready, Tommy. I’m right here.”
Tommy drew his legs towards himself and wrapped his arms around his knees, clinging on for dear life. This was too much, too fast. He wanted to yell. He wanted to crack his fists open on the marble statue with Techno’s little markings. He wanted to pinch himself and wake up yesterday, when nothing was wrong expect for the gnawing pain in his chest that had never gone away, even nine years later. He wanted his parents.