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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章(2)

“Oh, Tommy.” The sadness in Techno’s voice made Tommy’s eyes snap open. “You think he has a choice?”
Or, hypocrisy, happiness and the heaviness of certain secrets
Chapter's trigger warnings are as follows:
panic attacks
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Tommy knew a thing or two about secrets.
He was five years old when he first heard the word, whispered from father to son.
“Let’s keep this a secret, alright, Wil?” Dad had said in the gentle hush of midnight, unaware that Tommy was right outside the library door, hanging on to every word. Even then, Tommy must have known Wilbur was special, if Dad was speaking to him like that: not like he was an annoying child, but like they were equals, bearing the same burdens and battle scars.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章

“But what if they never go away?” Wilbur had whispered back. Tommy had never heard his older brother so frightened.
Tommy walked away before he could hear the rest of the conversation he was obviously not privy to. Looking back, perhaps some part of him wanted to preserve his gilded image of his older brother—like a dead fossil crystallized in amber. Because older brothers were never scared. Older brothers never bled. Older brothers never cowered. Older brothers were immortal. He would hold on to that belief until it was too late.