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‘Shared Data,’ a short story from an alternate future(6)

2023-11-23ScienceFictionTechnology 来源:百合文库
“You got the companies to share data?” Toba sounded skeptical, and well she might.
“That—the lawyers got some national agreement on it, so that they had to share the data on the same principles that we share it. Which I guess made it more amenable to them because we get less of the data than they have, because of privacy and stuff. And I don’t even know if it’s a good deal, really, because it meant they wouldn’t be prosecuted for some of the ways they messed up on privacy in the past. But anyway, whether or not that turned out fair, we have a lot of data now, and it really does help in making these decisions, I can’t tell you.”

‘Shared Data,’ a short story from an alternate future

“I’ll look into it,” Toba said, her voice taking on that winding up tone; Genevieve knew she was watching the timer too. 
“Let me know if you have questions.”
