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‘Shared Data,’ a short story from an alternate future

2023-11-23ScienceFictionTechnology 来源:百合文库

‘Shared Data,’ a short story from an alternate future

In the year 2030, will 'we the people' benefit from our data? A sci-fi vision published in partnership with Simply Secure, Consumer Reports, and the Mozilla Foundation.
We overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade. Welcome to Alternate Data Realities, from Simply Secure and Consumer Reports with support from the Mozilla Foundation. These science-fiction stories, all set in the US in 2030, reflect a reality in which “we the people” benefit from our own data. Following each story, a response essay from a policy expert offers actionable recommendations on what’s needed for this alternate reality to come to life.

‘Shared Data,’ a short story from an alternate future
