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潮篡(二十九) 惊蛰-中 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(3)

2023-11-23 来源:百合文库
“Now go,” Xue Niaoer straightens up his back and caresses the boy’s head.
Thanks is too light for a big debt of gratitude. The boy takes out a flat piece of wood-crafted tiger from his chest, devotes it to Xue Niaoer with both of his hands.
Xue Niaoer looking after the boy’s back until the boy disappeared. He sighs. Then he puts the tiger inside his inner cloth pocket, clears away the tails stalking behind, and buries down the copper coins.
Here comes there goes, time got delayed. Chu Han is therefore, displeased, in addition to his unwieldly fatigable body, he could not help to start blaming Xue Niaoer for going about other’s business.

潮篡(二十九) 惊蛰-中 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇

“Chu Han,” Xue Niaoer suddenly halts his footsteps, voicing gravely, “It might be hard for you to understand the blood and tears behind those paper and ink.”
“The only few things they owned, are bereft over one night.”
“Bi Xia, ” Xue Niaoer sees the insensitive look on Chu Han’s face, so Xue Niaoer pulls over his sleeve and walks to his front, “As Bi Xia said, Chen(how ministers called themselves in front of the emperor) have no aptitude, but yet I still can’t, stand watching, and do nothing.”