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潮篡(二十九) 惊蛰-中 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇(2)

2023-11-23 来源:百合文库
Xue Niaoer promptly hauls Chu Han and the boy into a corner that blocks out other’s sight.
Xue Niaoer restrains the sense of oppression of himself. After he promises the boy that he won’t beat him, the boy agrees to tell. From what the boy said, he is an orphan, named Shi Jin (石金), and there is nothing more he is willing to tell.
Xue Niaoer gave that boy two copper coins, reminded him that there are lots of people behind who are up to no good. That he might die before he can spend the money he stole.

潮篡(二十九) 惊蛰-中 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇

So Xue Niaoer told the boy what to do when he is waylaid by others, is to tell those guys that the money is earned from legwork, and let them rob the money.
“Later I’ll go to money store and exchange tael to copper coins, bury them under the 12th tree in the phoenix bloom forest, counting from left. You dig it up after you get rid of others, it should be enough for you to spend until you learn a craft to feed yourself.”
Not knowing what reason, Chu Han’s eyes darken for an instant after he hears what Xue Niaoer said.

潮篡(二十九) 惊蛰-中 古代/架空 宫廷 玄幻 女频 中篇
