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Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)(9)

2023-11-22冰雪奇缘FrozenAnnaElsaElsanna 来源:百合文库
As Elsa sped up her fingers, she could feel another apex approaching fast. This touch, cool and gentle yet right to the point is something only Elsa may deliver, and she would never get tired of it.
“Hey Anna, wanna try something new?”
Anna groaned and turned, still recovering from the serial climaxes her sister brought her to and saw Elsa’s mischievous wink as she twirled her hand. 
“You bet!” She beamed
Elsa giggled. Even after all these years, Anna was still thrilled to see her big sister’s magic, with the same enthusiaSM as when she was five, pulling her sister out of bed to have fun with her snowy powers secretly after bedtime. The only difference was their games getting much more mature.

Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)

As Anna watched in awe, a blizzard gathered between Elsa’s legs, an elongating cyclone that gradually solidified into a magnificent rod of ice, like an icy dragon ready to roar to the sky.
“I’m born ready!” Anna exclaimed, with a sharp inhale she sat straight on the giant dragon. It filled her up, penetrating her insides. She should have felt pain of being stretched, the thick monster leaving a visible bulge on her belly, but with the spell on, there’s only pleasure with the massive bulk of her sister’s essence within, throbbing as if alive.