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Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)(17)

2023-11-22冰雪奇缘FrozenAnnaElsaElsanna 来源:百合文库
She ran to the windows and pulled open the curtains, ignoring the fact she was still in her birthday suit. It wasn’t the morning sunlight that greeted her from the horizon, but the noon lights from high above.
“The audience with the villagers...”
“I’ve taken care of that.” Elsa SMiled, “I know you too well to expect you to be up after yesterday.” 
“You always know me the best.” Anna returned and pecked Elsa’s lips.
Elsa held up a little green bottle. “Some herbs I got for your wounds. I’ll help you apply these and then I need to be on my way. The spirits in Ahtohallan are calling me for a council. Nokk is waiting for me in the harbor.”

Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)

“Do be back for charades next Friday, okay? I can’t take another 3 weeks without you.”
“I promise.”
Anna watched as Elsa’s figure on Nokk merged with the horizon to the north. “Next time I’ll have a surprise for you, and I’m sure you’ll love every moment of it.”
