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Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)

2023-11-22冰雪奇缘FrozenAnnaElsaElsanna 来源:百合文库

Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)

前言: 这篇是最近在群里吹水的时候即兴写的EA🚗短篇,全程超速预警#doge#,有轻度SM元素,玩具,淫纹要素等个人私货,但主基调依旧为纯爱。个人觉得效果还行就打算投到专栏来,如果审核能过的话(但愿)
“Hey Elsa, m...maybe we can push this off to tonight? I still got stuff to do, Q...Queenly responsibilities, you know.” The redhead squeaked, shrinking before the blond’s intense gaze. “I still need to put up an appearance...”
“Oh no, you’re going nowhere, my naughty girl.” Elsa advanced with a SMirk “ I’ve went through the schedule with Gerda and made sure your day is clear.”

Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)
