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Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)(5)

2023-11-22冰雪奇缘FrozenAnnaElsaElsanna 来源:百合文库
"Wet already? you're enjoying this more than I thought." The blonde chuckled and with another flick of her wrist, her magic solidified into 4 elegantly designed bracelets that latch tight on her sister's limbs and raised her to the air, legs guided into M-shape, giving her easy access to the blossom below.
"the best part of this spell is it doesn't just enhance your arousal, it turns pain to pleasure." She caressed the little bundle of nerve atop of her sister's petals with a cold breeze, earning an adorable moan from above.

Predator... or Prey? (Elsanna同人短篇)

"Last year on the same day you SMacked my butt so hard that I was seeing stars." Elsa whispered with feigned indignation to the shivering redhead, "and I'm definitely going to return the favor, with something more interesting..."
A tiny blade of ice materialized behind Anna's butt,and pierced into the flesh, then it morphed, as the red of life's fluid climbed onto the ice it fractured into pedals, a red flower on the pale and plump skin, eerily pretty, as if a crocus breaking through layers of snow at the first sign of spring.