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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】(15)

2023-11-13 来源:百合文库
You're assuming a lot. So far, she hasn't shown herself as an enemy. Let me use some examples:
✔ She saved him when fighting Mr. A and even smiled at him
✔ She "disciplined" him when he broke in to steal from the church and banished him to that foggy town.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】

But while he was there, when Panatiya was about to kill him, the crimson moon appeared and she had to flee hence giving Klein a chance.
We know the goddess has some authority over the moon.
✔ Through her monitoring of him, she could respond quickly and save him when Azik was about to merge with artificial death.
Even though she benefited by taking the uniqueness in the end, she did give Azik the choice of continuing to merge.
Even now, she has answered his question through artificial death which she is in control of.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】
