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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】(13)

2023-11-13 来源:百合文库
Can’t wait for Ince zangwill to be sacrifice for Klein’s promotion and for that bittersweet revenge. The irony would be perfect
Been waiting a long time for this! I mean he actually "killed" the mc! Definitely didn't see it coming
Uh oh, Mr. Grandpa has some explaining to do~

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【930-932】

What does he have to explain? I think Leonard has known about many of his powers and his rough level for awhile now. Leonard had him use the Worm of Time to track Emlyn before as well.
Wow, Ince Zangwill's position is worse off than I thought. We knew about the evil spirit beforehand, who obviously isn't necessarily on Ince's side, but it's news that Ince is in the Southern continent with no assistance from the royal faction and the Demonesses. He may be a sequence 4 demigod with tremendously powerful support from 0-08 and the remnant evil spirit made of multiple angels (as in, assistance on the level of sequence 1s or 2s), but his situation is *really* precarious, considering both the Tarot Club and an entire Church are targetting him.