Making the Detective Story American可以看出这里的解释也是引述诺克斯1929年发表的文章并稍加修改,同上面的意思是一样的,只不过百科上删去了“我承认这一诫只是从过往的经验中得出的”和后面的解释。
这两位作者大家都熟悉著名推理小说家克里斯蒂安娜·布兰德在《Fog of Doubt》(即《伦敦迷雾》)中的序言表达了对东方世界的不解并强调了侦探小说应具备真实性的观点:
This book was of the genre of the “classic” detective story— Dorothy Sayers disapproved of their being called “thrillers” or indeed anything but “detective stories”. The Detection Club over which she imposed her reign for so long, actually laid down certain rules. One of these was: “there shall be no Chinamen.” By this was meant that scenes and characters should be “real”; the Mysterious East, unknown poisons, anything that was not possible, credible, acceptable to the standards of every day life—all that was out. Except for murder of course; but the murder had to be reasonably accounted for, in a recognizable setting, with a cast of comprehensible people; and there had to be a detective and detecting. [3]