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2023-10-31TwoSetViolin双琴侠breddy 来源:百合文库
“Shall I cut you in?"
“A bubble tea would do.”
“For a stone cold killer, you’re easily satisfied.” Brett replied as he took his seat. “It’s about time.”
Somewhere above the stage, behind the blinding lights and the control room, his partner was waiting—silent, patient, and vigilant. Brett squinted his eyes to get a better view, but knew he wouldn’t be able to figure out where Eddy was from this angle. “Looking forward to your performance.” He said, checking his timer one last time.


"And that's all the prep talk I need." Eddy replied. 
The lights dimmed, doors to the audience’s seats closed, and their communication link went back to silence. Brett leaned forward, clapping along with the audience as the concertmaster emerged from the side door.


The show had just begun.
