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2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
 In an extraordinary gesture, the publisher agreed to lower the price almost to half for this special edition and to donate all profits to the American Red Cross fund for victims.
以一个不同寻常的姿态,出版商同意将这一特别版的价格降低近一半,并将所有利润捐给美国红十字会(American Red Cross)来救助受害者基金。
 Where is God when it hurts? A good clue is to find God's people when it hurts: standing in line for seven hours to donate blood, working through the night to find survivors, holding candlelight vigils, kneeling in prayer in the U.S. Capital, finding some way not only to endure but to prevail. God bless America.


当痛苦时,上帝在哪里?一个很好的线索就是在受到伤害时找到上帝的子民:排 7 个小时的队献血,彻夜工作寻找幸存者,举行烛光守夜活动,跪在美国首都祈祷,找到一种不仅可以忍受而且获胜的方式。上帝保佑美国。
