Rumia normally walks around with her arms stretched out to her sides. Some patients believed it was to make herself seem more intimidating (for the games) but the truth is that it's just so she can keep her balance and prevent herself from bumping into walls, since most of the time she can't see the floor she is walking on. Rumia constantly wears a ribbon in her hair a keepsake from her dead grandmother, such a minor fact would not be mentioned except Rumia can't seem to bring herself to removing it, at first it seemed to be psychological block but we have found that there is a more physical reason. During a routine x-ray we have discovered that Rumia's skeleton has devolved a particular deformity, her shoulder bones actually extend over the joint therefore Rumia cannot raise her arms higher than her shoulders from any angle. So it is not she won't remove it's that she can't, a few nurse have offered to remove it for her but she refuses saying it's something she has to do on her own.