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Scarlet Devil Ward: Revisited
These patients have no affiliation with the rest in this list and are only included due to the fact that they was admitted roughly the same time as the rest of the patients in this file.
-Black Out-
Rumia (no last name giving) is a young girl from a Christian family. She has the odd habit of always keeping her eyes closed which lead to her always bumping into people and objects thus effecting her home and social life. We accepted her when her parents voiced their concerns that Rumia might have gone blind at a young age to which we assured them that we would everything we could to help their little girl. We were relieved to have found out that Rumia isn't blind; it's that her eyes are unusually highly sensitive to light which is why she keeps them closed most of the time during the day. Any little source stronger then moon light is normally too much for her to stand. We originally thought that a pair of very dark glasses would have helped but her eyes still are too sensitive that the best we have been able to provide is a pitch black blindfold for when she is up and about, even though Rumia voluntary blinds herself during the day she has managed to memorize most of the hospitals floors to the point where she knows how many steps it takes to get from one point on a floor to another point on a different floor.