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With regards to the afore mentioned Bipolar personality, bipolar may be too strong of a word and we wouldn't classify it as mood swings but there seems to be different sides to Flandre, she seems to switch between a docile gamer girl to a hyperactive sport loving hell riser at the drop of a hat. Both Sakuya and Meiling have stated that Flandre does not have multiple personalities but rather what they call modes, they have informed us that Flandre just really loves games and before she lost her family, she was very good at figuring out how to win them that some of her family members stated that she acted like a completely different person focusing on a game. Lately we have discovered that Flandre has two large scars on her back or to be more precise her shoulder blades, no one knows where she got them from and Remilia was horrified when she found out so it shows that even the other former residents of the manor didn't know and perhaps Flandre is the only person who does and she didn't know about them until we told her leading us to the conclusion that they could have been caused at the same time as her parents death but since her mind regressed that day she could have known but has forgotten. Due to her idolizing her older "sister" she is also a vampire for the game but when she found out about her scars, she says that her wings were torn off so she replaced them, when asked what the look she drew a picture of herself with what looked like branches with crystals hanging from them growing out of her back.

