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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【919-925】(17)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
The whole chapter he goes through a list of people he might be able to help him and the thought about scouting or other such preparations comes at the very end. (Of course, finding reliable allies counts as a form of preparation.)
I just find it out of character for Klein. Just a little bit.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【919-925】

I disagree. Considering bad options is completely fine as long as you throw them out after realizing they’re bad. If it was possible there was an opportunity hidden within it would feel really bad to miss it. Just like when he stole the mummy, it seemed very risky but with a solid plan there was little risk and great benefits. Last time the only reason he ended up summoning a bunch of demigods was because he was forced into an absolutely awful position. Not only that but it wasn’t his fault or poor planning but because an existence many levels stronger than him was attracting by the Gray Fog. Nothing he can do about that. What else should Klein be doing besides focusing on his advancement? He has the goal to get back to earth and that requires advancing. If he doesn’t advance quickly not only will his enemies like Ince Zangwill get stronger it also gives the Evil Gods and powerful existences more time to seek out and attack him before he can fight back. Finally isn’t it obvious that you have to know who your helpers are before you make actual plans? He could consider scouting beforehand but depending on who is with him not only might it not be worth the risk depending on who comes it will change what or how much he has to scout.