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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【919-925】(19)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
As for the whole high sequence beyonder fiasco, it definitely was out of his control. In this case, he considered doing that on purpose before tossing out that bad idea.
For advancing, now that you brought it up, I've been trying to figure out how long it has taken him to advance for each potion he's ingested. Remarkably fast, but it's the protagonist's halo. *shrugs* For the most part, my concern for his advancement was that he hadn't fully digested the Marionettist potion, but then I remembered that it said that it'd be a few months before the excursion was possible, so that concern of mine kind of unraveled at the onset. Ignore that one.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【919-925】

But he needs to rush to advance. First, it will help him hide the gray fog from mother tree so he will no longer be afraid.
Those like Amon won't be able to detect him either. Those are no joke hence him always trying to find opportunities to act