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Chapter Six

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库

Chapter Six

Chapter Six
Cecilia, pained by what she is seeing, is also curious. She tries to cock her head to one side, before remembering that she is not actually there. How is she watching what Will was thinking? 
Her eyes narrow as a suspicion creeps up. Her mind goes into alert.
Someone, other than her, is watching. Who? And why?
Cecy was focusing entirely on the place in her mind——the small park across the street from her home. She could remember the green grass, the colorful flowers, the kites soaring in the sky early spring, the lotus flowers lying lazily in the pond midsummer, the golden leaves falling from fruit trees late autumn, the freezing cold and desolation deep winter. 

Chapter Six
