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Chapter Five(8)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
Will reached towards it with his left hand, just as I reached to push the gate open.
At the moment their hands touched briefly in midair, images flooded into Cecy’s mind, this time finally sharp and vivid. A young boy and girl, both looking about five, the boy with blond hair and deep green eyes the same color as Will’s, the girl with honey-brown braids and golden eyes, standing before the same pair of gates. 
The girl was standing on tip-toe, struggling to see past the tip of the gate, while the boy gripped her hand tightly, as if to prevent her from falling. A hand reached from behind the boy, and a man with brown hair and blue eyes smiled warmly at the startled children as he softly opened the gates, his fingertips trailing lightly across the girl’s hair in a jesture of affection.

Chapter Five

The sun peaked out from behind the clouds, and the young boy blinked at the brighter light, while the girl laughed, her voice clear as a bell, ringing through the silence.
The girl dragged at her companion, seeming to be excited at entering, while the boy looked confused, his eyes wondering the surroundings as if looking for something.