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Chapter Five(13)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
It was over, she told herself. Just a dream. It couldn’t affect the present.
Creak. The gate opened, groaning, and she stepped automatically into the open gateway, Will at her heels. 
She could remember the scorching flames, the plains brown and lifeless. It was somehow more than a dream or a movie. And she didn’t know why, but she yearned to see more——
What had caused the vision? Why could she see it? Or what happened to the desolate, utterly destroyed plains? She carried so many questions, without knowing one answer, only following her instincts to chase after the unknown. 

Chapter Five

Cecy raised her head as she walked into the insides of the tower. The ceiling was incredibly high. As if her vision was coming to life, she watched the silent sunlight sliding through the high windowsills, and rows of seats like what she momentarily saw just now. 
But there was no music, no sound of birds, and the seats were empty. The entire tower was deserted. 
‘What are you looking for?’ Will’s voice, behind her back.

Chapter Five
