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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】(7)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
Damn what a sad end
I really hope Klein gets the book. Since Edwina was rescued it makes sense she gets the least and since Klein led and discovered both what was wrong and how to fix it he should get the most. 2 picks for Klein who chooses first, 2 picks for Anderson and 1 item for Edwina? Klein chooses the book and Ocean Songster Characteristic, Anderson doesn’t care so Edwina picks the Dream Stealer Characteristic for Jodeson leaving the Guardian and Priest of Light Characteristics for Anderson? Seems reasonable to me.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】

Hopefully Edwina doesn’t give up characteristics for the book though that would be a bummer.
That bit at the end there giving me all kinds of alerts and warning for Anderson.
True so far he's been the butt of jokes and seems harmless enough but we really have known nothing about his core personality and he's a bona fide consummate Hunter, Provoker, Conspirator and Reaper. With all the dangers and schemes they embodied.