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绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文(9)

2023-10-25绿山墙的安妮津津有味英文读物 来源:百合文库
At night,Miss Barry put Anne and Diana in the spare room,as she had promised.Yet,Anne felt some disappointmentThings you wanted as a child aren't as great when you finally get them.
On Friday,Mr.Barry came to drive them home.
"Well,I hope you've enjoyed yourselves,said Miss Barry.
"Yes,we have,"said Diana.
"And you,Anne-girl?"
"I've enjoyed every minute of it,"said Anne.
Then,Miss Barry went back into her big,empty house."I think if I had a child like Anne in the house all the time,I'd be a better and happier woman,"she said to herself.

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文

When Anne arrived home,the lights of Green Gables gave her a friendly welcome back.Anne ran up the hill and into the kitchen,where a hot meal was waiting on the table.
"I'm glad you're back,"said Marilla with a smile."It's been very lonely here without you."
"I had a wonderful time,"Anne said happily."The best of all was coming home.
"That is good to hear,"said Marilla.
"Anne,Miss Stacy was here this afternoon."

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文
