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绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文(7)

2023-10-25绿山墙的安妮津津有味英文读物 来源:百合文库
As Anne walked away,she regretted that she had not answered Gilbert differently.She wanted to cry.When she told her friends what had happened,they thought it was very romantic.
"Will you ever have any sense,Anne?"groaned Marilla later.
"Oh,yes,I think I will,Marilla,"said Anne."Ever since I came to Green Gables,I've been making mistakes,and each mistake has helped me.The cake mistake stopped me from being careless in cooking.Dyeing my hair stopped me from being vain.And today's mistake is going to cure me of being too romantic."

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文

"I hope so,"said Marilla.
But Matthew,who had been sitting in his corner,said,"Don't give up all your romance,Anne."
A Special Moment in Anne's Life
One fine evening,Anne was walking the cows home when Diana ran to meet her."Oh,I have such news,Anne! Mother got a letter and Aunt Josephine wants you and me to go to town to stay with her!"
Marilla agreed to let Anne go to town.As Charlottetown was thirty miles away,they needed to make a very early start.Anne was up before sunrise on Tuesday morning.It was a long drive,but Anne and Diana enjoyed every minute of it.It was beautiful to ride through the country,and they were very excited to be going to the city.