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绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文(8)

2023-10-25绿山墙的安妮津津有味英文读物 来源:百合文库

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文

It was almost noon when they reached town.Miss Barry met them at the door.
"So you've come to see me at last,Anne-girl,"she said."How you have grown! You're taller than I am.And you're ever so much better looking than you used to be,too."
Everyone said that Anne was becoming very pretty as she got older.
"Isn't it just like a palace?"whispered Diana as they waited for lunch.
"Yes,I've dreamed of such a house,Diana,"said Anne."It is so beautiful there is nothing left to imagine.That is one good thing about being poor-there are so many more things you can dream about."

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文
