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Nobody paid him any attention.
Eventually Toothless's curiosity got the better of him, and he flapped down to see if he could hear what was being said -- and Camicazi leaped out of the huddle and grabbed him.
"HA!" said Hiccup triumphantly, looking sternly down on the struggling little dragon. "Now, Toothless, DROP IT."
Toothless crossed his eyes and made a gulping noise with his throat as if he was swallowing ...


"AAAAAAARGH!" screamed Hiccup.
Toothless spat Ziggerastica onto the floor.
"Only j-j-joking," he said.
Ziggerastica was FURIOUS.
Hiccup put him carefully on the table and for five minutes he refused to say anything at all, concentrating on shaking out his wings and removing Toothless's saliva.
"I am SO sorry about Toothless, Your Highness," said Hiccup, thinking that a little flattery might be necessary.

