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Camicazi climbed onto Fishlegs's shoulders, while Hiccup got on a chair and tried to sweep Toothless in her direction with a broom.
Unfortunately, Hiccup missed, and the brush cannoned into Camicazi and Fishlegs, who then knocked over the chair Hiccup was standing on and they all landed in a heap on the floor.
Toothless somersaulted across the ceiling in his glee. He laughed so hard he nearly dropped Ziggerastica. He hadn't had so much fun in ages.


"OK," said Hiccup under his breath to the other two, "I've got a new tactic here ...
"We don't have time for this nonsense," Hiccup said loudly. "Just ignore Toothless and everybody gather round me while I tell you our plan ..."
"Oh, I get it," said Fishlegs.
Fishlegs and Camicazi got into a huddle around Hiccup, who started whispering loudly.
Toothless remained on the ceiling, making rude raspberry noises.

